maandag 11 juni 2007

The ultimate test

Well tonight's the night the night we will prove ourselves, the night in wich we will free Jenna Lowman returnee nr.1356. Below is a casefile that was sent too us along with the blueprints of Northstar Neuroscience.

Casenumber: 1356
Name: Jenna Lowman
Sex: Female
Born: September 21, 1967
Dissapeared: September 22, 1984
Status: Missing

Miss Lowman's ability to generate energy cells makes her a potential danger to herself and her enviroment.
She has not been sighted since May 12th 2007 it is of utmost importance that this young woman be found and remanded into custody of NTAC for further questioning.
Seen in company of Jordan Collier at the 4400 center numerous times and possible member of the Nova Group.

Read further sidenotes and casefiles for Psych profile of miss Lowman and other anomalies U might want to consider.

M. Doyle
Supervisor and Director
NTAC Nortwestern Division

We have set out our plan and will attemp to Rescue Jenna at night to minimize Security threats.
We'll try and keep u updated once we are succesfull and return tonight.
Wish us luck, Markus and Lotte.

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